Jamison just loves to sing along to the "Itsey Bitsy Spider" song. Well... it's not really singing, just his version. He especially loves the "...wipes the spider out!" part. Jamison has been doing so great in school. He's getting potty time every day so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will start to understand the potty!
Jamison is just loving being outside and has started wearing his sunglasses this year. It's been a long time coming, but now he never wants to take them off, even when it's dark out!
His 4th birthday is coming up the end of October and I just can't believe the progress he's made in the last year. I never would have imagined that he would have picked up the signing as well as he has. Infact, just today his therapist and I were commenting on how precise he is about his signs once he learns them. I have so many hopes for Jamison being able to talk, I know it's got to be coming. And when he does I'm sure he has so many funny things bottled up in there he'll keep us laughing for years ;).
Keep an eye out for Jamison's Birthday/Halloween pictures!! ROAR - He's a lion this year!