Jamison is learning so quickly I can't even believe it. I know that I haven't updated this in a little while and I'm probably forgetting many things, but his newest accomplishment is signing "please" when he wants a sucker!! It appears that he thinks "please" actually means sucker, but it's amazing that he's even doing this sign because we have never taught him that. He just picked it up from watching the other children at school sign "please"!

I am so proud of my little guy. He is coming so far and I know that his progress will surly continue! I am saddened however at the recent 1% cut backs through Medicaid that will be taking his hours from 30hrs/week down to 22hrs/week. Since he only qualifies for this amazing opportunity for 3 years total, it is sad to know that they are even cutting that down further. I know that I should be thankful for any hours at all with these amazing therapists, but to have the hours and then have some of them taken away just breaks my heart.
Please contact your appropriate Government officials if you are dealing with your Medicaid hours being cut also for DT or IBI Therapy. They can't help us if we don't make ourselves heard!!
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