I also recently took him to the doctor and he now weighs 30lbs!! He's in the 25th percentile for weight!! YAY! He's never been above the 7th percentile, so it is pretty awesome that he's doing well in that area now.
Christmas was so much fun. He got so many toys (mostly cars) and really cute clothes. He had so much fun opening his presents and even played cars with Grandpa!
I know it's been a while since I've written about him, but I'll try to stay more on top of it now, it was just a really busy holiday season! LOVE YOU ALL.
Jamison will reward your hard work and dedication many times over. Never get discouraged, my son Bradley is 23years old and we are just learning now about what makes him unique. He was mainstreamed in school until he was about 10, when we managed to get him into a special school. Today he "works" at Blockbuster three days a week (he is not paid) and two days a week in a special program in Junior College.
I feel fortunate for him to be my son.
Best wishes and good luck
I would be so very interested in hearing more about Bradley. It's rare for me to find a parent with a child older than Jamison diagnosed with this and I have SO many questions. I can not contact you through the blog or see any of your information, so if you happen to read this post please contact me through email at shellylynnjones@gmail.com Thank you for your message!
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