Jamison still might not talk, but his signing has blown me away. Just this morning I got his progress report from school and some of his signs have been reported as "mastered"... WHAT?! I NEVER in a million years could have though he would MASTER any signs!! His progress has been nothing short of amazing!
When Jamison started school, just a few short months ago we were signing to him but he was not signing back. Now, I am pleased to report Jamison currently signs:
- More (mastered!)
- Please (mastered!)
- Milk
- Help
- Shoes
- All Done
- Diaper (imitates)
- Fruit
Jamison also has been working on sorting colors with his therapists at school. So far he has "mastered" sorting Red, Yellow and Blue and also has been doing well with Green and Orange! YAY
Jamison's imitation skills have improved SO much recently. He will copy you when you tell him to touch your head, nose and mouth. He also does that with me at home and will touch his leg and foot!
To anyone that says developmentally delayed children will do well with or without therapy, I say you haven't met Jamison yet! I could never have imagined he would be where he is today, and know without a doubt it is all because of his amazing therapists!!