Jamison has become more and more willing to accept people, maybe not if they want to hold him but just toleration of new people has been increasing so much. But when Teri came to town, she wasn't going to let a little crying stop her! She grabbed Jamison and packed him around for our whole walk, and he LOVED IT!
Here's the pictures to prove it ;)
1 comment:
Hello, I just found your blog by surfing the web looking at decor blogs. I know what your going through. I have a beautiful son 5.5 with severe autism. One of his doctors suggest we do genetic testing. Your son is so beautiful. He is just like my son. You would never know there was a problem by just looking at them. I tried to email but it's not set up right per the blog master. I have a question. Did you notice any problems or concerns with your son in the first 9 months? The reason I ask is that my son has a twin sister and she's normal. Both of my twins were the same for the most part in development. My son started to change and stop developing after the 1st birthday. Please feel free to email me at bigelvis1485@aol.com. We have spent so much money out of pocket trying to help our son. We've traveled all over the country trying to find someone to help. The genetic testing is so expensive. I would like to have this done to rule to rule this out. I look forward to hearing from you.
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