Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jamison loving life, as always...

Things around here have been pretty amazing. Jamison has had so much fun learning to talk... unfortunately it has already gotten me into trouble as his favorite and only word to say is "gay" or at least it sounds like gay. He especially loves to yell it out when we're shopping, oh joy! A woman even came up to us when we were at Ace Hardware recently and told me that it was very offensive to her...  hopefully he starts learning some more words quick! Regardless, he's having a blast saying his only word over and over again, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Here's a video of him loving life:

Jamison is also doing great in physical therapy, he's learning to do a little slide shuffle that is super cute! Hopefully I'll catch a video of him doing that really soon.  He's jumping really well and also he's hitting a ball off a baseball tee with little assistance!

I'll post more about his IBI therapy soon...

1 comment:

Christian said...

You Know, Shelly I've heard people tell me that "Gay" doesn't always mean the Sexual term. "Gay" also means "Happy". I think that it's the meaning he's chosen and you can tell people who are offended that and MAYBE they might change their mind.